10 Benefits you can negotiate, in addition to your salary
June 4, 201810 Benefits you can negotiate, in addition to your salary

Have you ever negotiated for more than just a salary? In this post, we offer some creative ideas that can represent a valuable investment in satisfaction, whether in the short, medium, or long term.

Why you should take care of your organizational culture
April 16, 2018Why you should take care of your organizational culture

We explain why it's worthwhile to invest modest efforts in nurturing your corporate culture. There's nothing that yields a greater return on investment than a robust organizational culture. Want to learn more?

Diversity leaps into a company
March 4, 2018Diversity leaps into a company

A new trend transcends social reality to enter our workplaces and become an economic asset. Discover the power of diversity in our team and how to make the most of it.

The objectives and KPI's in our work
February 25, 2018The objectives and KPI's in our work

Discover how it influences the productivity of your team that everyone knows their Objectives & KPI's. Establishing them, monitoring them and evaluating their achievement is a means of involving our employees. And if you need more, how about a playlist so that motivation does not lack!

Ideas to make your team fall in love
February 12, 2018Ideas to make your team fall in love

Valentine's Day is approaching and not only can lovers celebrate it, it is also the perfect opportunity to show your team that you care. We  are going to help you with some ideas to make February 14th a great day at the office (with a playlist to share!)

Which Christmas character are you at work?
December 19, 2017Which Christmas character are you at work?

In the traditions and legends of Christmas, we encounter characters with whom we associate certain values, as well as those we might not favor as much. We all have something in common with Santa Claus or the Grinch. Who will you embody this year?

There is life beyond work
December 10, 2017There is life beyond work

Do you often find yourself spending too much time at work, missing out on other activities such as enjoying sports, going to the movies, or spending time with friends? You might be pleasantly surprised to learn that dedicating more time to yourself can actually boost your productivity.

Is there a zombie in your office?
October 24, 2017Is there a zombie in your office?

Chances are, you've encountered one of them. Beware! In this special Halloween post, we provide you with the tools to identify them and survive the zombie workers... (we'll even help you resurrect them with a chilling playlist)

Fall in love with your work
September 25, 2017Fall in love with your work

One of the factors that sets us apart from machines is our capacity as human beings to feel enthusiasm for our endeavors. However, when that enthusiasm wanes or is absent, we have the capability to "reprogram" ourselves, and rekindle that passion, enabling us to once again find joy in our work.

How Feedback helps me at work
June 11, 2017How Feedback helps me at work

Not only experts in Human Resources and Talent Management can tell us how Feedback and Continuous Evaluation processes help us do our jobs better. Today, we speak with one of those anonymous heroes from whom we have a lot to learn.

If you want my commitment, give me feedback
March 22, 2017If you want my commitment, give me feedback

What is special about those work environments in which everything seems to flow and in which people relate naturally, supporting each other? After studying many cases and settings, we have come to a simple conclusion.

Engagement: traits of committed employees
January 2, 2017Engagement: traits of committed employees

We start a new year with energy to continue advancing in the construction of strong corporate cultures based on the commitment of its employees. Achieving Engagement requires effort on the part of the organization, but if our team develops certain skills, everything will be easier.