September 5, 2016

Love at first sight: what your Employee is looking for in you

Recent research reveals that bosses are people too. After this revolutionary discovery, from HRider we wanted to dedicate this post to them to give them the support they deserve and some tips to turn them into Superbosses. We cannot forget that even if they have the imposed role of leader, they also need support, they can make mistakes and, of course, they have the right and need to receive feedback for better guidance in the development of your work.

Bosses of the world, we hope these tips on how to be the supervisor we all want to be will help you:

  • Take care of the organizational culture
    The Organizational culture plays a crucial role in the happiness and productivity of your team. It is your basic personality, the way people interact and work. It is built based on habits and on values and emotional and rational responses. Worry about creating it delicately, with a team capable of sharing that culture and committing to it. That it is not just a motto, but a fact that floats in the environment and inspires.
    It cannot be copied or imposed, the culture of an organization is constantly self-renewing and evolves slowly.
  • Know your team and delegate
    The solution to being overworked is to learn to trust your employees by giving them the power to make decisions for themselves on certain tasks. It sounds easier than it really is, and this is because many bosses have a hard time delegating because they haven't nurtured their relationships with the workforce too much.
    To delegate -and so that everything really goes as well as possible in an organization- you must know your employees well, teach them from your experience and learn from them, know their weaknesses and strengths to know what tasks you can entrust to each one.
    Don't be one of those distant bosses who, in order to get to know their team, has to act undercover in a TV show in disguise.
    Go dosing the responsibilities, each time a little more. Train their talent and give them confidence. Help them grow.
  • Acknowledge good work
    Giving recognition affects self-esteem and commitment of your employees. And not only does recognition have a powerful effect on the recipient, it also has a significant impact on peers who see their peer's great work being rewarded.
    If, in addition, public recognition is given before a group of people, the employee will feel even more appreciated and the team will perceive that their supervisors care about them.
  • Give feedback
    Most companies seek customer feedback, and with good reason! But few devote as much energy to these employee feedback systems. According to a Medallia Institute survey, 56% of employees who have direct customer contact have suggestions for improving company practices, and 45% say their ideas could reduce company costs. This is positive, right? However, a third of the people surveyed said that they were only surveyed by their company once -or less- a year. And more than half of those who were surveyed by their companies reported that their evaluations lacked effective questions.
    Give adequate and ongoing feedback , improves care and increases benefits. The more you know about your team, the better you can work with them.
  • Remember to take off your suit
    Clark Kent took off his suit in a booth to be Superman. You don't have to be a superhero or an exhibitionist, what we want to tell you is that don't forget that under your role as leader there is a person that the team is looking forward to meeting.
    Listen to your team's problems, if they arise, even if they are personal, and if you are the one having a bad day, don't hide behind the super-boss cloak, they will understand you and you will generate complicity.

Maybe you chose the employees who, after an interview, would be selected to be part of your team. But they also choose you every day. So remember: before you arrive for a meeting with your staff or an employee, don't forget to smile at yourself to smile at them.