Set of joined hands of a work team

February 10, 2019

What to do after a Performance Appraisal

Performance appraisals are like the rite of passage from a teen organization to an established, adult organization.

Implementing practices to identify and promote talent through transparent feedback processes requires a certain dose of courage and mental clairvoyance since the results of the collective evaluation must be coherently accepted.

But the process does not end at that point and we want to ask you a question: do you know how to get the most out of evaluations?

Once you have defined how to approach your process, and when all the participants have completed the surveys of a Performance Evaluation, it's time to initiate the review and follow-up procedures to ensure the feedback doesn't go unnoticed. Performance evaluations can motivate and enhance productivity, among various other advantages. Yet, we can harness even more benefits if we understand what to do next.

With these 8 tips, we can assure you that your next evaluation will be even more successful:

1. Analyze all the results of the job performance evaluation

After the evaluation has concluded, it's essential not to focus solely on the individual reports. Equally important is examining the organizational reports. Identify which positions are performing the best, determine the team's average scores, and pinpoint the strengths and weaknesses that need attention.

With all the information provided by the reports we will be able to design a much more complete and useful strategy for the organization at all levels. Even draw conclusions about how diversity impacts results in global terms.

Also, in the individual reports we must identify the strenghts and the areas of improvement to communicate them during the feedback meetings.

If, in addition, you can access these reports instantly as in Hrider, you will save much more time!

2. Quick Feedback

Feedback is valuable, but timely feedback is essential. The sooner we communicate the results to each team member, the quicker they can take action to improve and work on their next set of objectives.
When sharing results with everyone, ensure they comprehend the origin of each score, strength, and weakness, and endeavor to offer solutions.
In cases where team members receive unfavorable results, strive to shift their perspective from defeatism to motivation and self-confidence

3. Share the overall results of the performance review

It is not only important to individually share personal reports. As we saw in this article , the results of the organization are essential for each of the employees to visualize the global performance and identify if their objectives are well aligned with the strategy.

It will stimulate reflection and motivation for a joint improvement and to be able to apply procedures that other departments do well and that can be useful for others.

And most importantly: seeing how everyone is supporting and contributing to larger goals and strategies within the organization is a great source of motivation and productivity.

4. Professional recognition

Recognizing people who stand out for their excellent results will motivate employees even more and inspire a feeling of satisfaction and responsibility.

Those who have worked hard deserve to be praised and rewarded for their efforts so that they are encouraged to maintain that good level for the following evaluations. Long live positive feedback!

5. Identify areas of opportunity for improvement

Don't panic, the weaknesses that the reports show us are areas of opportunity for improvement. These areas allow us to see what activities might be useful for effective development.

In addition, we could complement it with the launch of a survey -for example, training- so that everyone can give their opinion in a participatory manner and decide which activities at a global level are considered more interesting to implement.

6. Create individual Action Plans:

When the report interpretation process has finished, the next step is to create an action plan based on that feedback that was generated -by the Manager and the Employee himself- in their meeting to review the results.

We can divide each objective or improvement challenge into small actions so that these goals are more manageable and easy to achieve. We will need to track each of these milestones and check progress.

Find out what you and your collaborators want to achieve, what strengths can be used the most and pour everything into that action plan.

But watch out! Don't forget that goals must be realistic. That is, specific, achievable, measurable and aligned with the organization. Combine elements in action plans with the expectations of each role and the organization.

7. Monitoring the performance evaluation process

All employees and, above all, those evaluated who had a bad evaluation, need the attention of their managers.

The effectiveness of the performance appraisal process will be enhanced if you spend time working with your employees, observing their performance, and maintaining communication throughout the appraisal period.

Poor performance can be due to different causes: a drop in spirits, lack of motivation, the need to change tasks... You will have to find out the reason to be able to encourage your team so that they do not lose their confidence or interest.

8. Evaluate again!

Does that "Continuous Improvement Process" sound familiar to you? After having put into practice all the improvements arising from the previous evaluation, it is time to re-evaluate and expect better results than before!
Do not underestimate the power of repetition, continuous feedback is the new revolution in agile people & talent management.

Do not forget that communication during the process must flow in both directions between the employee and the supervisor. And although there are still certain fears, with the evaluations we seek to promote transparency and honesty in communication: the success and productivity of the organization will depend on that.

Try our free demo and start your rite of passage in your organization!