
June 21, 2022

Employee Journey Map: what it is, why you need it and how to create it

Do you remember your fifth day at work? No? Oh well. Do you remember the first day? And your first promotion? Of course you do. We all identify the key moments in our working life and today we want to talk about the importance of the company also identifying and anticipating them.
The employee's experience impacts our performance and the results of our organization, this is nothing new. However, it is necessary to know that the employee's experience in the company goes beyond onboarding. An employee's development receives more and more attention from those responsible at human resources, and we are not surprised at all! If we really want the employee's experience to dazzle and generate commitment, motivation and a lot of desire to stay, we must design an Employee Journey Map.

What is an Employee Journey?

The employee journey is the time an employee spends at a company and describes the cycle they go through with all its milestones: from the selection process to their departure. The employee journey consists of all the important events that employees in an organization go through. The main objective is to recognize and understand what the most important moments for employees are during their working lives. The employee journey helps companies understand the components that have a positive impact on employee motivation and engagement in the workplace.

What is an Employee Journey Map?

The employee journey map is a visual representation of the employee's journey as he progresses through the organization. This map makes it easy for organizations to identify roles, functions and important moments that will be key as they map the various steps and emotional states that employees may experience during interactions with the company.
Creating a map of this employee journey will help us ensure that people in the organization have positive experiences from their first encounter with the company onwards.

Why do you need an Employee Journey Map?

Employees who feel engaged in their work are much more productive and tend to stick around longer. Of course, it is easier for employees to stay if they are happy at work. A well-designed employee journey will help us involve each of our employees and make it easier for them to have information and resources about their roles, responsibilities and opportunities for internal promotion.

What phases does an Employee Journey Map have? How to create it?

Although each organization should have its own employee journey map based on its objectives and strategies, these are the phases that any employee journey map should have:

  • Recruitment.- Everything starts when nothing has started yet. In other words: it all starts with the image you project of your organizational culture: in your social networks, on your website, in the testimonials of other employees or candidates. For all this, it is very important that you take care of people from the recruitment and selection process.

  • Onboarding.- At this point in the employee journey, we seek to help new collaborators to be embed and adapt to the organizational culture efficiently, as well as socialize and mingle with members who are already part of the organization.

  • Development.- During the employee journey, it will be necessary to create a strategy that helps each employee -and the organization- to achieve success. This development phase is the sum of the efforts that a person makes to expand their knowledge and skills, and thus improve progressively in their career.

  • Growth.- It is very important that the map has an orientation towards the growth of each employee and that this way they can gradually acquire new knowledge and responsibilities. Who wants to be the eternal intern? The interns of today are the Directors of tomorrow. 

  • Offboarding.- A survey or exit interview allows managers and human resources managers to know what works and what doesn't within the organization and confirm why an employee leaves their position.


Designing an employee journey map in an organization allows us to, in addition to improving the employee experience, align the organization, define each person's situation more clearly, clarify positions and roles and establish priorities.
Are you up for designing your own employee journey map? When you have it, you can evaluate each stage to know the status of each of the phases. In Hrider, in addition to creating your own templates, you have a whole library of predesigned models, like this one:

Download a free Onboarding Assessment Template