Work Climate: what it is, how to evaluate it and how to improve it
September 7, 2022Work Climate: what it is, how to evaluate it and how to improve it

A good working environment is essential for productivity. There are many factors that contribute to a work environment being effective (or not), but we can improve it very easily if we first assess what the climate of our organization is like.

How to create feedback culture in 4 steps
August 1, 2022How to create feedback culture in 4 steps

Feedback has become a fundamental pillar for all organizations. It helps us improve our skills, grow as professionals, and succeed. But what do we mean when we talk about “feedback culture”?

What are SMART goals: benefits and examples
July 20, 2022What are SMART goals: benefits and examples

The objectives are fundamental to our career plan. To guarantee the achievement of our goals, it is very important to apply the SMART methodology: specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time-limited objectives.

What is an Action Plan and when and how should it be created?
July 13, 2022What is an Action Plan and when and how should it be created?

To take care of each person's career plan in an organization and ensure that we always have a succession plan prepared, we must work on individual action plans that are so agile that each supervisor and each appraisee have access whenever they want to follow up on them.

Employee Journey Map: what it is, why you need it and how to create it
June 21, 2022Employee Journey Map: what it is, why you need it and how to create it

An employee journey is an interactive process that helps employees understand their roles within the organization. It also helps organizations and the team to identify what kind of employee they are looking for. Find out how to create your own employee journey map. It includes a free template.

What an exit interview is and how to conduct one in your organization
May 31, 2022What an exit interview is and how to conduct one in your organization

Exit interviews are essential for an organization to continue growing and make better decisions. In addition to obtaining very valuable information, they also help to improve Employer Branding in the hands of people who leave the organization.

Potential: what it is and how to assess it
May 16, 2022Potential: what it is and how to assess it

Recognizing, nurturing, and maintaining talent is crucial to organizational success. Assessing employee potential ensures that you objectively recognize the leaders of the future. It is not enough to surround yourself with talented people, we have to know how to develop their skills and establish a good career plan to generate commitment and continue to have the best team in the world.

What is a 9 Box Talent Matrix?
February 14, 2021What is a 9 Box Talent Matrix?

It is known as Talent Map, Human Resources Matrix, Nine Box... the latest in new HR trends! In this article we will tell you what it is, where it comes from, its uses and applications, its benefits and how to interpret it to add value to Talent Management. From the relationship between performance and potential to the alignment of employees and corporate culture.

What was read the most about Human Resources in 2020
January 11, 2021What was read the most about Human Resources in 2020

We all agree that 2020 will be a year we will not forget. There have been difficulties, but also learning. And, more than ever, the Community of people passionate about HR have shared ideas that helped us all to overcome the challenges of the year. Do you want to know what topics have inspired professionals like you the most?

HR's secret weapon for responding to the pandemic
December 8, 2020HR's secret weapon for responding to the pandemic

What do the companies that have best managed the challenges posed by the health emergency have in common? If you want to know more about how to stay motivated and productive in the new normal, as well as discover the secret of the best prepared HR departments, keep reading!

360º Feedback for professional development
November 16, 2020360º Feedback for professional development

Discover why lately 360º Feedback has always appeared among the Top Human Capital Trends. Over the past few years, HR performance management software based on a 360-degree perspective has become the preferred job performance management solution for a large number of companies. Do you want to know its advantages for the development of people and the organization?

Why do employees leave the company?
November 9, 2020Why do employees leave the company?

The real reasons for employee turnover are like those questions we don't want to know the answer to. Perhaps because, if we do, we should face our own mistakes. But isn't that what mistakes are for? We can learn and we must act accordingly, if we want to work in a company where people really like to be.