Discover the trick that will boost your career
October 5, 2016Discover the trick that will boost your career

We've crafted this post to unveil a secret that some have begun to uncover. This secret has the power to help boost your career and enhance your skills with minimal effort. Are you eager to learn more about it?

The Zone
September 19, 2016The Zone

We admire how our elite athletes reach their maximum potential, achieving a state of absolute concentration necessary to achieve their goals and enjoy the moment during the competition. How do they do it? The secret to the maximum performance level is in The Zone... now you too can know how to enter and experience this state of emotional satisfaction.

Tips to avoid procrastination
August 29, 2016Tips to avoid procrastination

"Don't leave for today what you can procrastinate until tomorrow" could be the saying that defines our most unproductive moments. But what happens to us? Why do we procrastinate? Can we fight against it? If we identify what happens to us and find our motivations, we will have taken the first step.

Vacations are good business
August 14, 2016Vacations are good business

Enjoying our time off is not only compatible with being a good professional, but they can even help us improve our career. To be truly engaged in our work, our brain needs periodic breaks, thus gaining a fresher, more energetic outlook.

Assessments are for everyone
May 16, 2016Assessments are for everyone

When initiating our performance evaluation processes, we should contemplate the dynamics we aim to cultivate within our organization. At Hrider, we firmly believe this is a splendid opportunity to enhance the relationships among all team members. We view feedback processes as an opportunity for collective improvement for the entire team..

How do you evaluate the performance of your children?
April 17, 2016How do you evaluate the performance of your children?

What if it wasn't your employee but your son? Would you wait a year to help him develop his skills, or would you provide more frequent feedback? People and talent development specialist Jesús Garzas humorously sheds light on the necessity of introducing ongoing feedback processes in organizations committed to nurturing talent within their teams.

Which assessment modality to choose: 90º, 180º, 270º or 360 degrees?
January 12, 2016Which assessment modality to choose: 90º, 180º, 270º or 360 degrees?

Isn't it sometimes confusing to determine what exactly a 270º assessment appraisal process is? What is the difference with another 180º? In this post we are going to try to explain what the different assessment methodologies are based on the different roles that interact. We hope to help you choose those options that best fit each organization.

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