Open door on an orange wall symbolizing the flight of employees from a company

November 9, 2020

Loreiny MartínezLoreiny Martínez
Talent Specialist

Why do employees leave the company?

Human Resources professionals are entrusted with one of the great challenges of organizations and that is to find the ideal person to fill a position, which costs time, effort and the company directly, money.

On the least expected day, an employee shows up at the office very seriously to announce that he is leaving the company, and the question that immediately arises is: why?

People make the decision to leave companies because they have unmet needs at work. In some cases, very few, the organization has really offered everything in its power and can no longer continue to feed the aspirations of the professional. Imagine someone looking for a radical change in activity, sector or workplace.

But in the vast majority of cases, employees seek a change because they no longer feel good at the company, or worse: because they never felt good in their work environment.

When an employee gets into that situation, he spends time sending his CV everywhere, looking for openings on job boards, asking family and friends to let him know if they know of something better for him, looking for a way to escape to fill that need that the company is neglecting.

10 Reasons for Employee Turnover:

If we ask, the large number of these professionals will give us one or several reasons such as these:

1. Because they feel stagnant, they don't see growth opportunities.
2. Because they have a bad work environment.
3. Because they don't like what they do.
4. Because they don't care about them.
5. Because they disagree on the salary.
6. Because they have problems with the schedule.
7. Because they feel that they are not valued.
8. Because they do not identify with the values of the company.
9. Because they don't tolerate their boss.
10. Due to work stress.

Has talent escaped from your organization for any of these reasons? Do you feel that there are more and more people with burnout syndrome in the team? If so, let's continue reading.

10 Ways to Avoid Employee Turnover:

We reflect on what strategies can be implemented from today to retain talent and react before it is too late and that person who sent their CV tells us that they have decided not to continue working in our company:

1. Help them grow

Evaluate performance periodically so that, based on this objective information, successful action plans can emerge that allow them to develop. After each evaluation performance, it's a good time to  chat with the employee, highlight their strengths, and help them see their opportunities for improvement as part of the development process, challenging them, asking what they need and letting them know that you genuinely trust their ability to be much better.

Support them with continuous training, mentoring, coaching, and the tools they need and when they are ready, offer them new opportunities, such as letting them lead a project or promoting them horizontally and/or vertically.

For better talent management when you have to meet the needs of a group of a certain size, take advantage of Nine-Boxes, which will allow the right decisions to be made with the right people.

2. Ask them how they feel

Take climate and job satisfaction surveys periodically, evaluating how the relationship with their colleagues and superiors are, how they feel about the work they do, if they have the tools to do their job well, if the environmental conditions are adequate, if they feel safe, what the company is needed to make it the best place to work... There are many people who leave companies due to conflicts, gossip, mistreatment by bosses or "colleagues". This is very ugly and we must put a stop to it now! It is important to take care of the emotional and physical health of those who contribute to the organization every day.

3. Help them find purpose

It is not just about working to feel fulfilled and earn money . When we work on something that connects us with our passion and brings us closer to our life purpose, we are more likely to stay. Give them the opportunity to develop their creativity. Enable spaces in which they can put what they love to do at the service of others and try to link these capacities with the corporate strategy. If you succeed, your team will be unstoppable.

4. Take an honest interest in them

We are integral beings, not machines which produce results. If a collaborator arrives at work in low spirits, go over and ask them how they are, if they need anything, listen with empathy and offer your help. Build a healthy, trusting relationship, contribute to the organization to be more humane.

5. Pay fairly and compensate with other benefits

We recommend validating through salary benchmarking to find out how much is paid in the labor market to people who have the profiles that exist in your company. Also, many companies find the Pay for Performance, which means, paying incentives for performance or achievement of objectives. But it's not just about money, you can also incorporate other benefits that contribute to the well-being of the employee.

6. Provide flexibility, measure by results

Work is part of their life, and sometimes things come up that coincide with some part of the work schedule, or at some point they need a couple of hours or a day for personal tasks... Give him the opportunity to negotiate schedules and remember that the important thing is that they fulfill their responsibilities and give the expected results. Reconciling personal life with work is a vital necessity. Another option you can offer is telecommuting a few days (now we all know it's possible!)

7. Recognize good performance

If they do something right, say so! and if possible in public. Hold get-togethers to celebrate individual and team accomplishments, letting them know how their work helps achieve company goals. If the employee has improved their performance, congratulate them, and they will be motivated to keep doing their best. Thank them for their commitment and loyalty to the company with incentives, gifts, and/or written acknowledgments. All this will multiply your employee's motivation.

8. Consistency with the values that are preached

Make the values clear and that professional ethics be defended. The values are not those that are written on the wall of the office, they are those that are evident in the day to day. There are cases of people who leave because they are forced to do things that go against their principles. Be careful with this, it can do a lot of damage to the image of the company.

9. Attention to the leaders of the organization

The American psychologist Daniel Goleman, known worldwide for being an expert in emotional intelligence, after studying the operation of more than 500 companies, affirms that “most of the employees leave because they hate their boss”. Please make sure that this does not happen in your organization. An initiative of 360º feedback could help a lot to evaluate the management of leaders objectively, together with climate surveys.

Also, you can share these tips for them to be great leaders.

10. Review job assignments

That the workload corresponds to the real need that the company has, and that it does not imply an accelerated pace that does not allow you to breathe, eat or spend more time during the working day. If employees are stressed by work to the point of having gastritis, sleep disorders, anxiety and other health problems, surely they are already preparing to escape. One idea that we give you is to analyze which processes could be automated for greater agility and for the employee to have peace of mind to dedicate quality time to make significant contributions to the organization.

Diagnosing the reasons that cause employee turnover and looking for solutions for each of them, you will find a path to growth as a human resources professional and, on a personal level, you will be contributing to create an environment where people feel better and more fulfilled.
With all this, you will undoubtedly improve the Engagement of your organization and you will even make your strategy of Employer Branding be brilliant.

In any case, if someone decides to leave in the improvement process, don't forget to do an Exit Interview. We are not referring to a casual coffee chat before saying goodbye forever, but to go further: structure that process the same as you do with the Onboarding of new employees, allow the professional to respond to a survey and write their reasons honestly. And take note, read their answers with an open mind, because from there you will be able to obtain very valuable information that will help you to review the employee loyalty strategy.

And if you want more ideas on how to avoid unwanted rotation, continue reading here.


Does your company have high staff turnover? It is time to generate a transcendental change in your company.
At Hrider we help you improve your retention strategy, with an agile platform that will allow you to carry out 360º performance evaluations, climate surveys or exit surveys strong> in an automated way and with the frequency you prefer, to obtain objective information in real time and make the right decisions so that your company's talent stays.

Try it free and talk to us whenever you want to share your ideas!