This year give the gift of empowerment
December 22, 2020This year give the gift of empowerment

This year we have learned to telework, to trust our team, to understand the need to consider the human side and the personal situation of each employee. And the leaders who have gone that "extra mile" are the ones who have learned to delegate and have empowered their teams. Do you want to know how they did it?

How to turn work into a wonderful place
May 2, 2017How to turn work into a wonderful place

Some individuals believe that a perfect work environment exists only in the realm of fantasy, but real-life examples demonstrate that it's achievable. Let's explore how certain companies create workplaces that genuinely resonate with their employees.

Love at first sight: what your Employee is looking for in you
September 5, 2016Love at first sight: what your Employee is looking for in you

When an employee joins a team, it's not just them being selected; in a way, they are also selecting the company and hoping to find a boss who actively demonstrates leadership, providing guidance and encouragement for their growth. Here are some valuable leadership competencies that any employee would appreciate in a boss.

The new keys to Engagement
November 8, 2015The new keys to Engagement

If we aim to cultivate effective engagement in contemporary professional environments, we must refrain from employing outdated methods from the 1960s and instead act in accordance with the latest principles for fostering commitment and motivation.

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