
December 18, 2018

The best Christmas present you can give your Boss

During the Christmas holidays, our emotions run high as we become more sensitive, cherishing the moments spent with loved ones and sharing laughter, memories, and kind words. In the office, amidst the flow of good vibes between Christmas bonuses and company dinners, it's also a great time to express gratitude and thoughtfulness, just as it always is.
Did you used to write a letter to Santa Claus with boundless enthusiasm? In this post, we suggest revisiting this endearing tradition in a new way, replacing Santa Claus with your boss and, instead of asking for things, offering feedback.
Giving feedback to your boss is vital to the success of your organization and to your own . Your boss can be the best leader imaginable but there will always be something they could improve or just deserve that you tell them from time to time what are the good things they do.
Feedback is key to skill development and performance improvement in any role. It is the best way to know if we are doing a good job and the best way to learn how we can improve.

Since giving feedback to supervisors can be, to say the least, intimidating, we give you the keys to give feedback to your boss with a little emotional intelligence without being sent packing coal:

But before starting with the advice so that you can communicate constructively, we must point out a factor to take into account: the company culture. Consider your organizational culture. Some organizations are very hierarchical and are not willing to let employees contribute information honestly. In that case, it may not be a good idea to offer your feedback to your boss. However, if your company appreciates open communication, if it welcomes network structures and all points of view are valued, you have a free hand to contribute your grain of sand to the growth of the organization.

And now yes, we put our red noses on and reindeer antlers and we explain how to give feedback to your boss without anyone getting hurt or stuffed with marzipan:

  • Schedule a meeting:
    Just like we love receiving gifts from Santa Claus, we also appreciate the opportunity to prepare for them. Before you barge into your boss's office like an over-enthusiastic elf hopped up on gingerbread cookies, request a private meeting to discuss your feedback.
  • Write what you are going to say:
    Regardless of whether your feedback is positive or negative, improvisation isn't the way to go. Just as it doesn't work with gift-giving to friends, it won't work with feedback. Take the time to think through and articulate what you want to convey. Jot down your observations about your supervisor's strengths as well as any critical issues. Writing will help you sift through what's essential and what's not, making it easier to address those topics during the conversation.

    Giving feedback to your supervisor requires careful preparation!
  • Speak politely:
    It is just as important to prepare what you say as it is to take care of how you say it. If the previous point emphasized the importance of preparing your message, this one underscores the significance of empathy. The way you initiate the conversation sets the tone for the entire dialogue and can be the difference between a productive discussion and one worthy of the Grinch.
    In other words, maintain professionalism and approach the conversation with a friendly demeanor. Speak to your boss as you would like them to speak to you. We can't stress this enough: bosses are human too.
  • Balance:
    If you intend to provide negative feedback, begin with positive comments. Commencing by acknowledging your manager's strengths makes the feedback more constructive and boosts their confidence.

Also, avoid connecting positive and negative feedback using terms like "but" or "although" to ensure that the positive feedback doesn't get overshadowed, much like the disappearing turkey at a family meal.

  • Be specific and ask questions:
    Effectively delivering feedback involves offering examples and recounting specific situations that illustrate your points. Instead of simply telling your boss that they excel at promoting teamwork, describe how you appreciate their encouragement of internal communication through Friday potlucks, for instance. The more specific you are, the easier it becomes for your boss to recognize their strengths. Highlight their behaviors, not just their achievements.
    When providing negative feedback or suggesting improvements, transform your statements into questions. For instance, instead of saying, "Don't tell me the specific tasks I need to complete but rather the goals I must achieve," you might ask, "What do you think if you provide me with the goals to achieve, allowing me to manage my tasks more efficiently?"
  • Engage in dialogue:
    Don't dominate the feedback meeting; instead, provide your boss with the opportunity to express their perspective. This turns your feedback session into a conversation, allowing you to gauge whether they've understood your input and enabling both of you to explore more effective improvement methods collaboratively. Moreover, you're likely to learn from listening to their viewpoints.
  • Request feedback:
    Demonstrate that you value your boss's opinion and also seek constructive feedback for yourself. You can inquire about specific aspects of your performance or ask for advice. There's nothing like a conversation among equals. Here's a reminder on how to encourage this here.
In summary:
  • Maintain politeness and empathy.
  • Blend positive and negative feedback.
  • Focus on specific examples.
  • Prioritize what's best for the organization.
  • Concentrate on the future.

Rather than feeling intimidated, view it as an opportunity for personal and collective improvement. Can you imagine a better Christmas gift for yourself and your organization? We certainly can't

Do not go yet! If you and your colleagues have a very good vibe with your Manager and you want to have a fun detail with him or her, you can download this special letter to give positive feedback or your boss and if you want, share it with us on social networks!: Twitter, Facebook, Google + or Linkedin ;-)

Ho ho ho!