Born between the early 1980s and early 2000s, around 27% of the world's population is part of this so-called Generation Y, a number large enough that they have a lot of influence in both the sociocultural and economic aspects. Who are we talking about?
Millennials have become the most talked about generation in recent years. Advertising is directed at them, guides are published about them, they are revolutionizing customer service and there is no organization that does not try to capture their talent, but do we know the true characteristics of this generation?
They are experts in ephemeral content and are connected 24x7, they have grown hand in hand with the internet and the digital world, so you will never see them without their smartphone linked to their smartwatch connected to their smart tv. And don't be surprised if you see them on the street or in the subway talking to the mobile screen: they are recording stories or looking for filters to look more handsome. They prefer to communicate by whatsapp, direct messages, dm or any other social platform rather than answering a call. And they would rather do an interview via than face to face.
Another curious fact is that they spend more than any other generation having less savings, but they always find out about what they are going to buy by looking for ratings and reviews from other customers. Less than 3 stars? See you later!
And what are millennials like at work? Although keep in mind that many of their features are typical for their age and how young people face their first work experiences, at HRider we have compiled and analyzed the skills in which they achieve the best scores, in order to get to know them even better and thus know how to interact with them, what to offer them and what to expect from them in the work environment.
These are the competitions in which they are the best and our analysis:

Respect: 85.87
Commitment: 81.91
Ethics and Integrity: 78,13
Millennials, like other generations, care about salary, however, they place more emphasis on corporate culture than others. They look for Bosses and environments of consideration and recognition for their work, far from ancient cultures of fear. They behave respectfully towards others and seek to be treated in the same way.
In general, they are more open-minded and supportive of equal rights. The 86% of millennials say that it is a priority to lend your talent to an organization that is socially responsible. And this social and ethical responsibility helps the employees of this generation to be more committed to their company.
They want a transparent organization, with friendly policies for both employees and customers.
Customer orientation: 77.80
Initiative: 77.67
Adapting to change: 77.20
Millennials have grown up with immediate access to information and want to be part of the action, they seek participation and want to be heard. Therefore, they also understand the importance of listening to customers and taking their opinions into account.
Today's work environment requires the ability to quickly adapt to change. Digital transformation makes everything evolve rapidly, so it is essential to constantly learn new skills and have the ability to use them immediately. Millennials are experts at this, their brains are used to dealing more with modern technology and they love change.
Teamwork: 76.85
Communication: 76.80
Results orientation: 73.65
Most of the millennial boys and girls participated in group extracurricular activities: soccer, theater, rhythmic addition, they played -come on: they play- multiplayer video games; That is why they value teamwork and seek collaboration with the rest of their classmates. Thus, offices that offer employees the opportunity to collaborate with each other in open spaces and transparent environments where information flows without closed doors that hinder communication are becoming more common.
Usually, because of the education they have received, they are also confident and achievement oriented. They have high expectations, seek new challenges and are not afraid to give feedback to their managers. They want meaningful work that allows them to grow.
Innovation: 64.50
Everyone can interpret that this generation naturally has a special predisposition for innovation. For them, innovating is not a threat, getting out of their comfort zone is almost a way of life and they get involved in the search for innovative solutions to day-to-day challenges. If they can do something automated, you won't see them messing around with Excel! Millennials are not afraid to launch an idea, to participate in a new project or to start a company.
Although it is one of the skills in which they have been best valued by their companies, it is not a very high mark, but we understand that millennials still need to accumulate more experience during their professional future that gives them greater security to propose and share everything they you know.
What conclusions can we draw from all this data?
We are talking about a generation enthusiastic about learning new skills and willing to continuously train. It is the most prepared generation in history! Therefore, they are interested in organizations that offer professional development programs and that lead technological innovation.
Recruiters in particular, and organizations in general, cannot ignore the competencies, needs, and desires of this Generation Y (as they are also known) as the fastest growing segment of the workforce. They should keep in mind that Millennials are largely the drivers of change in their companies and they must pay attention to their concerns of the present, which will be the trends of the future.
The members of this segment are willing to negotiate a high salary in exchange for a more flexible schedule, seeking conciliation. Although others may confuse it with a lack of commitment, it really has to do with being committed and motivated with your organization, without neglecting your quality of life. They have grown up in the consumer society and have always enjoyed their leisure time, now you can't expect them to spend 14 hours a day at the office!
If you don't allow them to develop, be careful because they are prone to job-hopping. They don't mind looking for something new if it's better for them. However, in the position they are enthusiastic about, they will work very efficiently.
Nor do they fear the figure of the leader like previous generations, they approach their superiors practically as equals and expect to receive and give feedback frequently.
A brilliant generation, right?
We can't wait to welcome the next generation of Z's to the world of work!