How to make a 9-Box Talent Matrix (Nine Box)
July 30, 2024How to make a 9-Box Talent Matrix (Nine Box)

Building a Nine Box Talent Matrix has never been easier. With Hrider's N-Box functionality, you can create 9-box matrices as well as 4-, 16-, and 25-quadrant matrices that correlate different variables such as performance and potential. In this tutorial you will learn what they are and how to easily create them step by step.

5 books about work (and 8 recommendations from the Hrider team)
April 22, 20245 books about work (and 8 recommendations from the Hrider team)

Los libros nos acompañan durante toda nuestra vida, en nuestro desarrollo personal y en el profesional. Para celebrar el Día del Libro, te traemos libros que hablan sobre el trabajo y muchos otros libros que recomienda el equipo de Hrider.

7 best practices to attract and retain talent
March 12, 20247 best practices to attract and retain talent

Employee turnover is an important challenge for organizations of all sizes and across all sectors. When an organization starts to lose their best talent, it is important to analyze attraction and retention strategies to implement corrective measures. In this article, we will discuss best practices to always count on the best talent.

7 ways to make your employees feel valued
June 22, 20237 ways to make your employees feel valued

Making employees feel valued is not a one-time task. Organizations and their leaders need to make their team feel valued all the time. And it's very easy to do!

How to create feedback culture in 4 steps
August 1, 2022How to create feedback culture in 4 steps

Feedback has become a fundamental pillar for all organizations. It helps us improve our skills, grow as professionals, and succeed. But what do we mean when we talk about “feedback culture”?

Employee Journey Map: what it is, why you need it and how to create it
June 21, 2022Employee Journey Map: what it is, why you need it and how to create it

An employee journey is an interactive process that helps employees understand their roles within the organization. It also helps organizations and the team to identify what kind of employee they are looking for. Find out how to create your own employee journey map. It includes a free template.

What an exit interview is and how to conduct one in your organization
May 31, 2022What an exit interview is and how to conduct one in your organization

Exit interviews are essential for an organization to continue growing and make better decisions. In addition to obtaining very valuable information, they also help to improve Employer Branding in the hands of people who leave the organization.

DEI Strategy: what it is and how to carry it out
March 20, 2022DEI Strategy: what it is and how to carry it out

More and more companies are taking steps to address diversity, equity and inclusion at work. We are going to tell you what each of these terms implies in the day-to-day of your organization and how to create an effective DEI Strategy.

Map of strengths and opportunities for professional improvement with the Johari window
September 12, 2021Map of strengths and opportunities for professional improvement with the Johari window

The Johari window is a useful cognitive psychology tool for getting to know ourselves and our relationships with others. We will explain how, from Human Resources, you can use it to create a map of strengths and opportunities for improvement in your organization.

Why should performance be evaluated?
July 27, 2020Why should performance be evaluated?

Job performance appraisal help align the individual development of each employee with the organization's development goals. It is the cornerstone that allows Human Resources to project the corporate culture, design its policies and define strategies. If we talk about talent management, we must talk about continuous evaluation.

What can HR learn from professional sports?
June 2, 2020What can HR learn from professional sports?

World Bike Day is the perfect time to launch the new episode of our podcast: "Journey into the World of HR and Beyond". What lessons can we HR professionals learn about purpose, motivation and leadership?
Share with us the experience of Chente Garcia, Sport Director of the world's leading cycling team: Movistar Team.

The most read articles in Human Resources in 2019
January 7, 2020The most read articles in Human Resources in 2019

Modernity introduces new techniques and concepts regarding how work is perceived by contemporary professionals. These changes are occurring at an ever-accelerating pace, particularly for those who are responsible for managing human capital within organizations. Staying informed about emerging trends and sharing them is crucial for driving the organizations that the future demands.

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