Discover your hidden talents
September 3, 2019Discover your hidden talents

In this world there are two paths you can take: that of the fox or that of the hedgehog. We tell you how important it is to follow the one that leads you to discover your potential, focusing on those strengths that make you a unique person.

What is talent?
March 25, 2019What is talent?

There is not a day that we do not speak or hear the word talent, both inside and outside of work. Do we know exactly what it consists of? Is there a single definition of this term in which all the authors agree? To answer this query, we have put on our thinkinf caps and we are going to share our conclusions with you in our publication.

How to take advantage of generational diversity
July 2, 2018How to take advantage of generational diversity

Our career paths now extend alongside our increasing life expectancy. It's not only important to find enjoyment in our work but also to learn from those around us to continue evolving. Intergenerational diversity is a significant aspect worth paying attention to.

Phrases to give wings to your organization
April 22, 2018Phrases to give wings to your organization

On April 23, the day when the world celebrates literature, we pay tribute to those books and writers who provide us with the wings to imagine and explore other possible worlds.

Diversity leaps into a company
March 4, 2018Diversity leaps into a company

A new trend transcends social reality to enter our workplaces and become an economic asset. Discover the power of diversity in our team and how to make the most of it.

The future of work
October 10, 2017The future of work

The vital keys for organizations to shape their strategic planning and internal management for long-term survival are well-documented. Here are some of these keys, urging you to implement them to foster an engaging and promising work environment:

Tips to avoid Burnout
May 30, 2017Tips to avoid Burnout

One of the main factors influencing employee motivation is their relationship with their bosses. We give you some advice so that everything flows, flooding your organization with positive energy that gets rid of Burnout syndrome once and for all.

The best gift: your self-assessment
May 22, 2017The best gift: your self-assessment

On the road to self-knowledge, periodically practicing self-assessment of our skills will help us build our own path towards professional development in accordance with our life expectations.

Immediate benefits of performance appraisal
May 9, 2017Immediate benefits of performance appraisal

Communication and professional development are the basic principles for a healthy organization that wants to have motivated employees. With the Professional Performance Evaluation, you will immediately notice its benefits!

Discover the feminine side of your organization
March 7, 2017Discover the feminine side of your organization

Today we highlight the need for the role of women in all areas of the company and how those organizations that are leading the change demonstrate that the diversity of talent has become a key factor of competitiveness.

The Ingredients for Talent Management
March 6, 2017The Ingredients for Talent Management

The recipe for success in ideal human resource management doesn't have a one-size-fits-all solution. Each moment and organization must craft its own approach. However, if our goal is to nurture our team's talent, there are key ingredients that should never be missing from our kitchen. Would you like to know what they are?

Not all superheroes wear capes
November 29, 2016Not all superheroes wear capes

What do superpowers have in common with our professional skills? In this post, we explore the effects of identifying, developing, and leveraging employees' best skills to transform our organization into a hub of extraordinary talents, much like the Marvel Universe.