Street mural with festive decoration, hands and the text "the best gift is you!"

May 22, 2017

The best gift: your self-assessment

To say that we all need to be in continuous learning is not nothing new. Jobs for life are in danger of extinction , and in any field, we need to refresh our knowledge, or even reinvent ourselves completely.

To always stay up-to-date and avoid becoming dispensable in the world of work, we must understand the skills we already possess, those we need to further develop, and those we should acquire. How do we do this?

In the Temple of Apollo at Delphi, the aphorism "Know thyself" was inscribed. We are going to do the same. Through just three questions, we will help you perform a self-assessment. This can be valuable if you're considering looking for a new job, as it will provide you with content for your resume, help you understand your employability, and position you favorably among other candidates.

Let's get started!

What skills do you employ at work?

Think about the skills you use in your daily work routine. If you break these skills down like a set of nesting dolls, you may discover additional competencies inside. For instance, if one of your skills is teamwork, you probably also rely on communication skills, even if you don't consciously realize it or place as much value on it.
Once you've listed all your skills, compare them with the skills sought in job offers for positions or roles similar to yours. Do you possess the skills they are looking for? Are these skills transferable? Are there any skills you should acquire that you currently lack?

Are you at risk of becoming obsolete?

One of the concerns many workers have is whether their skills will remain valuable over time or if they will become outdated. Through self-assessment, you can gauge your level of risk and gain a better perspective on the skills you need to develop or acquire to continue adding value in your job.

Similarly, by evaluating your skills, you can determine if you are prepared for a promotion, a career change, or if you can maintain peak performance with your existing skill set. However, we can assure you that as a SPOILER ALERT! we all have new skills to acquire.

What piques your curiosity?

Curiosity is essential for learning and personal growth. Organizations thrive on creative individuals who innovate and seek solutions, individuals with a desire to grow. Through self-assessment, you can also explore which areas intrigue you the most. What aspects of your job do you enjoy the most? What things would you like to change or improve? Create a wishlist of what you'd like to do and try to tap into your more inquisitive side at work.

Seek feedback!

We cannot end this post without mentioning our favorite subject, our arkhé (now we are in Presocratic mode), the icing on our cupcake. Feedback from our work environment is vital for our own performance and the performance of the entire organization. Expanding your perspective through 360º feedback including input from colleagues, supervisors, subordinates, and even clients, will enrich your self-assessment immensely. It allows you to identify skills you might not have taken into account or even noticed.


While initially, asking your boss or colleagues for feedback might seem intimidating, you'll be surprised how receptive people are when it's about the shared goal of improving individual and team performance. Identifying, developing, and enhancing your best skills enables you to continually add value to your organization and, most importantly, to yourself.