
March 28, 2023

Career Plan: what it is and how to make one

Table of Contents

1. What is a career plan?

A career plan is a map used to define an employee's career trajectory over the years. It refers to their progress within the organization: changes in responsibilities, salary increases, new positions... Through evaluation and collaboration with employees, human resources professionals can work to establish a plan that meets the expectations of all parties.


2. Why is it important to have a career plan?

Having a career plan helps us to have a clear vision of our long-term professional goals and allows us to make decisions about our career. Without a career plan, it's easy to get lost in the daily grind and not have a clear direction of where we want to go. In addition, a career plan helps us identify our strengths and areas for improvement, allowing us to focus on areas where we can excel and succeed. In summary, having a career plan is essential to achieve your professional goals and have a fulfilling and successful career.


3. Difference between career plan and succession plan

Career planning is a process in which an employee sets career goals and defines strategies to achieve them. Career plans help assess the interest and skills of each employee, identify alternative job opportunities, set goals and plan development actions. On the other hand, succession planning is the continuous process of recognizing and developing potential leaders to fill critical positions and replace former colleagues in an organization. The goal is to find possible replacements, both inside and outside the organization.


4. Types of career plans

Depending on the needs of the employee and their organization, it may be best to develop one of these types of career plans:

4.1. Self-knowledge career plan

This type of career plan is based on the personal skills of the employee, developing and reinforcing their soft skills. These types of skills -creativity, empathy, communication, critical thinking- are increasingly in demand by companies.

4.2. Training Race Plan

In this career plan, the employee will have training to master technical tools that will allow them to master all the functions of their job.

4.3. Career plan based on productivity

This plan places more emphasis on the balance between time management and goal achievement.

4.4. Life plan

Life plans are career plans that see employees as permanent members of the organization. The training given in this plan is focused massively on training but also on the values of the company.


5. Benefits of a career plan

Here are some of the benefits of implementing a career plan for your employees and how it can help your company achieve its long-term goals:

5.1. Increases talent retention

When employees see that there are opportunities for growth in the organization, they are more likely to stay much longer. In addition, by investing in the development of its employees, the company is showing that it values the contribution of its team and is willing to invest in its future.

5.2. Improved motivation and commitment

When employees have a clear goal and a defined path to achieve it, they feel more motivated and engaged with their work. Plus, by having a career plan to track, employees can see progress toward their goals and how their work impacts organizational goals, increasing their sense of purpose and job satisfaction.

5.3. Skill development and professional growth

By having a plan in place, employees can identify their strengths but also those competencies and skills they need to advance in their career. This can motivate them to seek training opportunities, thereby improving their performance and potential to take on more responsible roles in the future.

5.4. Improvement of the productivity and performance of the organization

By implementing a career plan in your company, you are not only investing in the professional growth of your employees, but you are also improving the performance of the company in general. By continually training and developing new skills, employees can perform better at their jobs. All of this can lead to greater efficiency in the organization, which can translate into higher profits and success in the long run.


6. How to create a career plan

If you are truly committed to the professional development of your team, creating a career plan can be a great way to help them achieve their goals and grow in your organization. These steps will help you create an effective career plan for your employees.

6.1. Identify goals and skills

Before creating a career plan for your employees, it is important that you identify their goals and skills. Talk to them about their long-term goals and how they see their future at the company. You can also take assessments to determine where they need to improve and what skills they already have.

6.2. Create a personalized development plan for each employee

It is important that the career plan is personalized and adapted to the goals and skills of each person. This means that you need to consider your long-term goals, current competencies, and your areas for improvement. You can offer training, mentoring, and growth opportunities to help them achieve their goals. How do you know what those strengths and areas for improvement are? Very easy! Through the performance and potential reviews.

6.3. Offers training and development opportunities

Training courses, workshops, mentoring and on-the-job programs. By providing these opportunities, you are helping your employees to acquire new skills and knowledge for future internal promotion.

6.4. Set clear and measurable goals

This means that the goals should be specific, achievable and have a defined deadline for compliance. In addition, it is important that the objectives are aligned with the objectives of the company.

6.5. Provide regular feedback

Once you've established clear and measurable goals for your employees, it's important to provide regular feedback and follow-up to make sure they're on the right track to reach their goals. This may include performance reviews, feedback about results, and follow-up on action plans. Feedback increases engagement and helps employees feel supported and motivated.

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