Motivation is the key to waking up every morning with energy instead of crawling to the kitchen, it's the drive we need to go to work with the desire to improve rather than just going to check emails.
There are two types of motivation: intrinsic motivation, which pushes us to do something because we find it rewarding, like watching a series; and extrinsic motivation, which occurs when our behavior is driven by a reward or the avoidance of an unintended consequence. For example, team members - both students, athletes, and workers - who feel supported by their leaders feel intrinsically more motivated.
Regardless of the type, motivation is essential in our daily lives and, of course, at work. At Hrider, we never get tired of trying to make your work experience as fulfilling as possible. So, here are some keys to help you and your team stay motivated.
Organizational Culture. To feel identified with the culture of our organization is the basis so that, whether we have a good day or a bad day, working is, to say the least, pleasant.
Purpose. Having a purpose or working with a vocation can turn our work into something exciting. However, if we forget or do not keep in mind what we get excited about our work, we can fall into automatism. We must always keep in mind why we do what we do, maybe we do it because we love our job or because we have to pay the rent, but whatever the reason, it is very valuable for our motivation.
Feedback. As you can read on our blog, the feedback is positive and negative. Both can be equally effective depending on the circumstances. Positive feedback improves commitment and trust and is very effective with members who have just joined or those who are going through a downturn. On the other hand, negative feedback can be effective for people in the organization who are already committed and who just need a nudge to regain their strength to achieve their goals. Achieving honest and trustworthy communication between employees and their managers is one of the best motivation and productivity tools.
Goals. To increase intrinsic motivation and therefore performance, we need to set goals in the short or medium term. The closer we are to the goal, the more it will motivate us to achieve it, since it is easier to see the progress. But if it is irremediable that certain goals are long-term, a trick we can use is to divide it into sub-goals. This way, instead of looking at the task in a period of, say, two months, we can see it in small weekly objectives.
Training. Having the opportunity to learn and improve constantly motivates and improves performance. But if each employee also teaches their peers or subordinates, it is guaranteed success! Helping other people to develop skills motivates the student, who acquire new knowledge, and the mentor, who consolidates their skills.
Recognition. All employees need recognition for their performance. Although monetary rewards work (short term), your team members will also appreciate it when you praise them and personally thank them for their work. Another good idea is to show them how their success contributes to the success of the entire company.
Exude positivity. Smile before entering the office and start infecting your team early in the morning. Enthusiasm will spread quickly and helps the organizational culture. Play music, joke around and chat with them. There is time for everything!
Disconnect from work. When you are not working, completely unplug from your tasks, we assure you that when you return to the office your motivation will be attached to you. As we know that you are thinking that it is impossible that when you get home you do not check your mobile to check the mail, here you have another post with very simple tips with which you will learn to forget about work when it is not due.
If you are
leader, remember that
to provide your team with the best motivation, you'll need to understand each member individually – their strengths, areas for improvement, potential, and interests. Engage in conversations with each team member, inquire about what they enjoy doing most and least at work, share the company's goals, and ensure they know you're there to support them. Collaborate with them to set objectives and create a career plan within the organization, allowing them to actively