
February 25, 2018

The objectives and KPI's in our work

Everyone in an organization has goals. They can be related to strategy, sales, marketing, development, they can be short or long term, set by a manager or by the employee himself. Acquiring new skills, getting more sales, attracting more visits to the web... achieving objectives can be truly complex when there is no monitoring of them or even a balance is not made and they are not evaluated periodically.
Not having goals, or not knowing your results, is demotivating for any employee and can have a disastrous effect on our team's morale. The people who make up our organization need information that tells them that their efforts are well directed and worthwhile; evaluating objectives and KPIs in an agile way will have a positive impact on the achievement of the global objectives of our organization.

Why evaluate objectives? What are the benefits of goal evaluations?

  • A goal is useless if we don't evaluate it, we need to keep track of our goals to know if we need to make small adjustments or create new ones. In addition, if we allow employees to define their own objectives, in collaboration with their Supervisor, greater responsibility will be generated towards the achievement of what we have committed to.
  • It helps us to be honest and objective -never better said- with our efforts, we will be able to discover areas for improvement and motivate ourselves to continue when we see that we are obtaining the results we expected.
  • Have you achieved everything? If your answer is no, thanks to the feedback we will be able to reflect on whether it was a problem with the objective itself or a problem with our work habits. When we do not evaluate our achievements it is easy to put them aside, but with continuous feedback and evaluation of objectives we will be much more effective and productive.


Very closely linked to the Objectives are the KPI's. A KPI - key performance indicator - is a measurable value that demonstrates how effectively a given objective is being achieved. The Key Performance Indicators define the factors that the organization needs to compare and monitor. It is recommended that they be SMART: Specific (Specific), Measurable (Measurable), Achievable (Attainable), Relevant (Relevant) and a Tiempo (Timely).

Once the organization has analyzed its mission and defined its objectives, it can establish KPIs for those objectives in which it is important to measure its progress and evolution. Here is an example of KPIs for a Human Resources professional where one of their goals is to improve engagement:

The most productive companies have KPI's that show whether the actions carried out are bearing fruit or, on the contrary, progress is not being made as expected. No matter what our job title is, we all have our mission in the organization. And although defining the KPI's of each one of us takes time and dedication, it is a magnificent investment in the medium and long term.

Some Data

We can see in this Harvard Business Review article how Apple managed to accelerate its growth when it developed a new KPI's strategy beyond the measurement of revenue, gross margin or market share. They focused on four perspectives and selected multiple measures within each category: shareholder value , market & customer satisfaction, core competencies and, finally, employee attitudes towards innovation and continuous improvement.

According to Edenred statistics, 77% of workers say they would feel more committed to their work to recognize their achievements and that organizations with the most committed employees are capable of increasing customer loyalty by 50%. Evaluating objectives and KPI's helps us to be more aware of our work and to be more committed to its achievement. If we do not see the progress of our goals, we may not always realize why we have certain tasks or why do we invest our time and talent in them, resulting in a lack of motivation and the dreaded labor presenteeism.

When it comes to achieving goals, there is a collective imagination in which we see ourselves as Rocky Balboa, focused and willing to give everything to achieve and exceed our goals. We, as firm believers that music can improve our predisposition for high performance (as also supported by the researchers this article), we wanted to put a band on it those intense moments with this playlist, whose name honors the motto of a great athlete who exceeded many professional and personal goals, Mohamed Ali: "What keeps me going is goals".

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Now with Hrider, in addition to evaluating competencies, we can evaluate objectives and KPI's in an agile and effective way, with attractive results in the reports. To improve, grow and make good decisions.


Download a free template to Define Objectives