How to Conduct a Successful Objective Evaluation
May 26, 2024How to Conduct a Successful Objective Evaluation

In this guide, we explain how to create an objective evaluation. It includes all the steps you need to follow to ensure a successful and motivating evaluation, supporting our team's talent from objective definition, through measurement, to decision-making based on the results.

The mandatory performance evaluation for public employees and civil servants: RD-law 6/2023
December 27, 2023The mandatory performance evaluation for public employees and civil servants: RD-law 6/2023

Learn about the new regulation Royal Decree-law 6/2023 that establishes the performance evaluation for public employees and civil servants. We tell you all the information you should have about this new regulation and how you can improve the performance of your employees with this mandatory evaluation.

What are SMART goals: benefits and examples
July 20, 2022What are SMART goals: benefits and examples

The objectives are fundamental to our career plan. To guarantee the achievement of our goals, it is very important to apply the SMART methodology: specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time-limited objectives.

7 ways to maximize your professional development
August 7, 20197 ways to maximize your professional development

Your Career Plan should not be solely in the hands of your company. No one is better than yourself to define your own professional development strategy. We will help you draw up a Perfect Plan so that you can achieve what you set out to do.

Is motivation a priority for you?
June 11, 2018Is motivation a priority for you?

To get motivated or not to get motivated? That is the question we all ask ourselves. In our personal life and especially in our professional life, the quest for stimuli that assist us in achieving our goals is the key to attaining them.

The objectives and KPI's in our work
February 25, 2018The objectives and KPI's in our work

Discover how it influences the productivity of your team that everyone knows their Objectives & KPI's. Establishing them, monitoring them and evaluating their achievement is a means of involving our employees. And if you need more, how about a playlist so that motivation does not lack!

Are you ready to be a Leader?
June 20, 2017Are you ready to be a Leader?

Working with people is a challenge that is both exciting and complex. This is why we must always remember the type of leader we aspire to be. Leading a work team is a skill that can be acquired through practice, and we're here to share some valuable tips with you.

Are you Old School or New School?
April 2, 2017Are you Old School or New School?

The future of organizations is not the exclusive patrimony of the new generations. It is true that the new leadership has a lot to contribute, but it will need the experience and wisdom acquired by the generations that will pass the baton to them.

How to Get a Pay Raise This Year
January 10, 2017How to Get a Pay Raise This Year

If you're determined to make significant improvements in your work situation or conditions this year, it's essential to understand that wishing for change isn't enough. Proper preparation and objective analysis of various factors are key to making this your year!

Engagement: traits of committed employees
January 2, 2017Engagement: traits of committed employees

We start a new year with energy to continue advancing in the construction of strong corporate cultures based on the commitment of its employees. Achieving Engagement requires effort on the part of the organization, but if our team develops certain skills, everything will be easier.

6 Christmas gifts for your employees
December 22, 20166 Christmas gifts for your employees

This Christmas, we've been attentive to the wishes of our clients and their employees, and we're excited to share the gifts they hope to receive from their organizations. There's still time to pen your letter to Santa Claus or the Three Wise Men and ask for a better workplace!

Not all superheroes wear capes
November 29, 2016Not all superheroes wear capes

What do superpowers have in common with our professional skills? In this post, we explore the effects of identifying, developing, and leveraging employees' best skills to transform our organization into a hub of extraordinary talents, much like the Marvel Universe.

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