Ghost with a movie clapperboard with the 5 movies that will help you manage your employees

October 31, 2023

5 Halloween Movies to Improve People Management

Piqué and Shakira, Sarah Jessica Parker and Kim Cattrall, Murakami and the Nobel Prize. Lately, the world is full of couples who don't get along, of fights and toxicity. But on Halloween, we love to remember the truly terrifying characters, those scary characters that never fail on October 31st and serve as an anti-example to know what we should never do in our personal and professional lives.
We are going to talk about 5 movies, will you be able to guess the title of each one with the emojis? Don't worry, we'll let you know what they are at the end of the post.
1. 🪦 🪦 🪦 👰 💍 🤵 🐶 👩 🪦 🪦 🪦
Beginnings are the most important part of any story. If you put an engagement ring on a dead woman's finger, everything will go wrong. If you also put it there mistaking the finger for a tree branch, you are asking for a grim story from the beginning.
SIf you start a new relationship in an organization with a person who has just joined, and you don't take care of the first steps, don't be surprised if a funny singing worm or a bony dog shows up in the office.
2. 🎁 🦴 🎁 💀 🎁 🎃 🎁 🎅 🎁 💣 🎁
What happens when you suddenly want to change a dark culture into one full of lights, presents and sweets? It's a bit tricky at first, the inhabitants have a hard time understanding what Christmas is all about and will miss the mice, dragons and exploding toys, but it can be done! Not by kidnapping Santa Claus, of course.
To improve organizational culture we need to consider all the factors that influence and impact it. Once we start to pay attention to them and take care of them, we will notice how quickly the work environment improves.
Do you know which movie we are talking about?
3. 👧 🫳 🌹
Ghoulish interests, supernatural abilities, a mansion on Cemetery Street 0001. When someone comes to visit you and ends up fleeing the country, changing jobs, or going to the nuthouse, no matter how well you think you've done, you should worry. Especially if you want to expand the family...or the team.
How do we avoid a culture clash between our team and the rest of the world? By assessing cultural fit beforehand! When we need someone new to lend a hand (ehm, ehm) or to check if there is harmony within the organization, culture fit will help us a lot because it is based on the alignment of values and behaviors.
4. 🧙‍♀️ 🧙‍♀️ 🧙‍♀️ 🐈‍⬛ 🛖
Hanging three witches is never a good idea, resurrecting them three hundred years later seems like an even worse idea. Everything that happens after that will be terrible: chases, a spell to sing «I Put a Spell on You», an attempt to burn them at school... No, dealing with zombies is definitely not a good plan.
Without black cats and potions, I'm sure that in some of the companies you've worked in, you've encountered a zombie that's already a member of the team. There are many ways to avoid them, as well as ways to resurrect them, and we will tell you about them here.
5. 🍿 + 💦 + 🌞 = 😈
There are only three rules: don't feed it after midnight, don't get it wet, and keep it out of the sunlight. They are simple, but if you break them, you will see that chaos and destruction reign.
When reality shakes and we suddenly find ourselves in a crisis, we must be resilient to move forward and return to calm, no matter how difficult the road may be. Besides, as complicated as it may be, we won't encounter hairy critters with 3D glasses. Or so we think.
We've made it easy for you, but if you missed any, here are the movies we talked about that you can't miss this Halloween, or ever:
  1. Corpse Bride
  2. The Nightmare Before Christmas
  3. The Addams Family
  4. Hocus Pocus
  5. Gremlins

I want to try the Demo!