
December 1, 2015

Rocío ValenzuelaRocío Valenzuela
Hrider Product Manager

Where is people management headed?

The profile of employees and the motivations that stimulate them are evolving faster than many believe, and there are still executives and Human Resources managers who are not ready for the great change in philosophy that is heading to our offices to park at our door.
Not only visionaries warn of the paradigm shift, more and more people management professionals are betting that the competitive leap of their organizations goes through adequate Talent management adapted to new needs.
The organizations that prosper will be those that go from the mere “declaration of intent” to real action carrying out actions such as:
Leadership based on honesty. Professional environments will demand real leaders who lead by example and empower their teams to develop their competencies. The old pyramidal structures will gradually fade to create more horizontal ones where the talent of its members will be highlighted.
Transparent talent management. The new professionals are no longer going to accept that colleagues are recognized for how well they get along with the Boss or for how well they sell themselves during the coffee-break. If an organization wants to have the best employees, it will have to base its recognition criteria on objective data known to all. Succession plans or remuneration must be based on transparency if we want them to be respected and accepted by all members of the organization.
Evaluation of results and continuous feedback. Evaluating performance only once a year is insufficient, now the needs of customers require immediate action, and those who make their dreams come true are none other than our employees. They need instant feedback that pushes them to improve, through immediate gratification and continuous learning.
Flexibility. The need for a flexible work environment, where its members feel free to manage their time and their tasks, allows aspects such as innovation and creativity to find their place. The presenteeism that some organizations still suffer from will tend to disappear, and results-oriented work will prove the involvement of employees.
Communication channels. Face-to-face meetings will be a thing of the past, as new professionals are already embracing new audiovisual technologies as the preferred channel of communication. The impact of social networks will also condition the way in which employees relate to each other. We will incorporate agile and practical tools that solve specific needs and that give employees the possibility to work from anywhere, at any time.
Coordination and information sharing. In the same way that today we organize leisure activities online, wherever we are, we will begin to do the same with our activities at work. We will all know what our colleagues do, and they will not only be able to know what we do but also contribute their ideas to our work. Collaborative tools are no longer science fiction. Now, we are beginning to see companies that do not use any as "weirdos". The same will happen with everything else...
The question is: what will happen to those who do not adapt?