
March 6, 2016

Raquel BlázquezRaquel Blázquez
Technological and Innovative Team Coach

"Until death do us part"... for how long?

What does it take for you to LOVE your work so much that you give it your all?

  • It may be your first work experience and, like your first love, you may feel that it is "magical and forever".
  • You prioritize the passion that drives you over any other benefit.
  • You're so aligned with the company's mission that you're ready to take on any challenge.
As social beings, we constantly form relationships in which we consciously or unconsciously seek benefits in proportion to our involvement. Often our most time-consuming relationship is with our work. Consider these four words: What drives your work?
In business, as in a romantic relationship, the relational aspect and the benefits are closely intertwined. To build enduring organizations, it's critical to nurture them.
The first question to ask is: What does your team or organization need?
A. Perhaps passion has waned, trust has eroded, and restoring the emotional climate to rekindle commitment and motivation is the primary concern.
B. There may be an urgent need to improve strategic agility, performance, and results to thrive in a VUCA (volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity) environment.
C. You may feel satisfied but stagnant and long to expand into new markets.
We are now faced with three different scenarios:
In the first scenario, this may happen after significant changes such as mergers, restructuring, or unfulfilled agreements or expectations.
  • How can you rediscover your passion for the project, the team, and the mission?
  • What makes it worthwhile to try again?
  • What is really essential to reignite or awaken you?
  • What can individuals and the organization do together to achieve this?
In the second scenario, there's a sense of urgency, the financial cushion is dwindling, and traditional methods are outdated due to the rapid pace of change.
  • How can you buy more time?
  • What common goals can have a significant and global impact on results?
  • What bold and intentional choices can you make today to move forward?
  • What indicators will show progress, both qualitative and quantitative, measurable and equitable?
In the third scenario, the organization is running smoothly, but without shifting gears, and it needs to explore new avenues to stay ahead of potential future challenges.
  • How can you stimulate the creation of opportunities within cross-functional networks and hierarchical structures?
  • How can you leverage the strengths of different departments?
  • How will your unique DNA and values continue to shine in different markets?
  • How can you catalyze the diversity of latent talent to drive growth in innovation and creativity?
So, what steps will you, your team, and your organization take to ensure a successful and passionate long-term love story?"