If you really want to help your team improve their performance, you must renew the concept of traditional evaluation.
It is no coincidence that major companies like Accenture or Deloitte are news have been making headlines for redefining their approach to these processes, focusing on more agile systems that enable better and more productive communication with their employees.
The key aspects toward which job performance evaluation is evolving are as follows:
Provide more frequent feedback: It's time to bid farewell to the old annual evaluations and implement more fluid systems that encourage ongoing communication between employees and supervisors. This way, you can genuinely reinforce good performance or quickly address actions that need correction. Delaying feedback can render it ineffective or, at the very least, unproductive.
Focus performance on the employee's potential: Instead of solely focusing on current behaviors, many experts recommend evaluating actions that can guide your team's performance in the direction you desire. Encouraging supervisors to identify and communicate aspects in which they believe an individual can excel is both instructive and motivating. Of course, if there are behaviors that require correction, addressing them promptly can prevent errors before they occur. By emphasizing the positive aspects of each employee, you will reinforce the idea that your evaluation processes are genuinely beneficial for their professional development, not just for organizational goals.
Automate the evaluation process: Performance measurement is undoubtedly valuable, but it can also be one of the most complex HR management processes. Fortunately, there are increasingly accessible tools for organizations of all sizes that can streamline and simplify the evaluation process. Let technology work for you, so you can focus on what truly matters. Utilize systems like HRider, which enable you to configure your process efficiently and foster employee participation in a dynamic and engaging manner. This system allows for unlimited surveys and evaluations, providing continuous feedback and real-time results.
Recognize and value the work of supervisors: Supervisors play a crucial role in supporting the professional development of their teams and directly contribute to improving performance. If you aim to cultivate high-performance cultures, it's essential to reward those who genuinely contribute to their team's success. Performance evaluation is the foundation for transparent management based on meritocracy. Reward and reinforce the talent of those who nurture the talent of others.
The purpose of the performance evaluation process isn't merely to conduct it; the real objective is to use it as the foundation for making the best decisions for your organization's members. Whether your action plan involves taking concrete steps to enhance professional development or identifying needs, the key is to act promptly and provide feedback as you go along. Only by doing so can you establish a consistent and participatory culture in which everyone works more effectively and happily.