360º feedback has been proclaimed as a must with which leaders and human resource managers have been able to put the focus back on the people who make up an organization. More and more companies around the world are applying this process. The reason? It's easy: it brings a lot of value and, in addition, today it is possible to carry it out in environments of any size or sector, it is affordable (thanks to specialized cloud technologies) and very effective.
Imagine having the superpower of 360º vision, wouldn't it be amazing to have such a complete and precise approach to our performance?
What is 360º Feedback?
It is a process in which an evaluated person receives information about their performance, competencies, behaviors and/or results of their objectives, from different people with different roles. Instead of receiving feedback only from our direct Supervisor (90º), we would also receive it from Peers (180º), Employees under our charge -if we have them- (270º) and Internal, external Clients or suppliers with whom we also work (360º)

In other words, each person is evaluated by others with whom they maintain working relationships and with whom they regularly interact.
Why give 360º Feedback?
The objective of this process is to provide the evaluated person with consolidated data and valuable information about what he can improve and what his greatest strengths and talents are. Similarly, when we seek help with a dilemma, we don't settle for just one opinion, but we ask our friends, our family for advice... how can we not also do it with our career! The more eyes that see us, the more they will help us to know each other and to develop ourselves!
In addition, it provides each participant with accurate information about the competencies and behaviors desired in the organization to be aligned with its culture and to achieve the goals.
Moreover, as we can measure both qualitative and quantitative indicators, the reports we obtain will provide a wealth of information for recognizing and identifying areas for improvement.
What are the benefits of 360º Feedback?
The benefits of feedback are endless, we will talk about the main 5:
Diversity of perspectives
It is very human to limit ourselves to the most trusted people and listen only to those who are going to tell us what we expect to hear. However, 360º feedback provides us with the perfect balance when the results come from different perspectives.
We all know that it is not the same how we are perceived by our direct manager, our partner, that colleague who we sometimes boss around or the client with whom we have dealt with. All of these roles provide a clearer, more objective picture of how we interact with others and how we work. Wouldn't the result be fairer by listening to so many different voices? Of course!
Improves self-perception
By being assessed from a 360 degree perspective, people gain a complete view of themselves and greater self-awareness. Those evaluated not only receive a report of strengths and areas for improvement, but it also helps them to get a clear idea of their behavior in certain situations and how others are perceiving it. In addition, if you also include self-assessment in the process, you will be able to reflect and compare your vision with the evaluation of the other evaluators.
Reduce rotation
Feedback is open communication and honest communication becomes commitment. Who doesn't want to stay in an organization where information flows? Employees who feel heard, feel valuable, stay!
We are all amazed to see that a changing room has four mirrors instead of one, because there we know exactly if the clothes fit us well or not, it never fails!
Create a culture of openness
360º feedback processes foster transparency and constructive collaboration in teams. This transparency builds trust and encourages each person on the team to be more productive and united. No one feels comfortable at a company with closed doors.
Identify development opportunities
This is our crown jewel! Most collaborators want to evolve, develop and grow, but how? Well, very easy, we need to identify opportunities for improvement and professional growth.
Knowing the strengths and weaknesses of each team member, we will know how to create the best action plan so that talent can flourish even more, and thus we will help to promote continuous learning and even prepare the evaluated person for future internal promotions.
As you can see, 360º Feedback fosters collaboration among all team members, making each person feel as though they have their own group of dancers, enabling them to shine and deliver their best performances!
With all this data, anyone can intuit that launching a 360º Feedback process in an organization is as successful as a new single by Rosalía. Do you dare to make your team shine?