We present the new episode of "Journey into the world of Human Resources and beyond!" You haven't heard about our podcast yet? In this program, we share news, interviews, books and everything else related to the world of Human Resources in a stimulating way, seeking out points of view from people who may not be directly related to the field to inspire us with their ideas.
In this third episode we talk about performance management in sports teams and its close relationship to leadership in companies. And we do it very well together!
In the first part, Andrea Milla, Daniel del Río and Lucía Solla talk about the figure of the NFL coach and the parallel between how an athlete's success or performance can change depending on their position in the team and how an employee changes roles in an organization. Also, Rocío Valenzuela will be the one to tell us about our guest today and give us some background.
Chente García Acosta, a symbol of Spanish cycling, made his professional cycling debut in 1995 with the Banesto team and is currently the Sports Director of the Movistar Team team.
He is also one of the main protagonists of the fabulous documentary on Netflix and Movistar +: The Least Expected Day; in which through 6 chapters we can see everything that happened around the 2019 season from the point of view of the people within the team, in the most intense moments of the season. We can't think of a better person to learn from about motivation and leadership with!
Chente talks to us about the importance of goals and having a strategy, but also how to be resilient when plans don't go as expected. And most importantly: how a good leader can motivate a team in difficult situations or, even, how to get a person to make efforts that are at the limit of what is humanly possible to achieve personal and team success.

A lesson in perseverance, effort and passion for what we do. A real master class from one of the best cycling professionals!
We hope you enjoy this third episode and don't forget to subscribe!
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