Professionals who are starting out in the labor sector, who present basic knowledge of how to carry out activities in their workplace but who, having no more than two years of experience, require a certain degree of accompaniment and supervision within their processes.

We also talk about it in our blog:
Are you Old School or New School?
Are you Old School or New School?

The future of organizations is not the exclusive patrimony of the new generations. It is true that the new leadership has a lot to contribute, but it will need the experience and wisdom acquired by the generations that will pass the baton to them.

Who and what are millennials like?
Who and what are millennials like?

Millennials outside and inside work: everyone is talking about them. In 10 years generation Y (born between 1980 and 1992) will make up 75% of the workforce. But what do they have to say? There is no one better than a true member of this generation to discover their motivations so that we can help them in their professional development and be able to retain their talent in our organizations.

Millennials in numbers
Millennials in numbers

A study by Hrider reveals that Millennials like teamwork, excel in soft skills, and they get the highest scores in commitment and respect. They seek to work in environments where they are allowed to develop professionally and be listened to, above salary.