Social benefit

These are non-monetary goods or goods that cannot be replaced by money that are offered to employees in order to improve their day-to-day life, their well-being and facilitate the attraction and retention of talent. In addition, they improve employer branding and engagement.
Some of the most demanded social benefits are: restaurant vouchers, training, nursery, transport card or flexible hours.
We also talk about it in our blog:
Engagement: traits of committed employees
Engagement: traits of committed employees

We start a new year with energy to continue advancing in the construction of strong corporate cultures based on the commitment of its employees. Achieving Engagement requires effort on the part of the organization, but if our team develops certain skills, everything will be easier.

The secret weapon of competitiveness is called Employer Branding
The secret weapon of competitiveness is called Employer Branding

It's not a new concept; many were aware of its existence but under different names. We haven't just invented it, but somehow, until now, it hasn't received the attention it deserves. Please welcome the new trending concept in human resource management: Employer Branding.