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What is the Hrider Marketplace?
It's composed of HR professionals who have the Hrider-Expert certificate, issued by Hrider to all professionals who successfully complete the certification tests in Talent Management and use of the Hrider platform. Companies from all over the world can find in the Marketplace professional HR services.
At Hrider, we want to offer the best of both worlds: the finest digital Talent Management platform and the best professionals who can assist you in boosting your HR strategy whenever you need it.
What services can I find?
On-site consulting, training, coaching, digital transformation, strategic transformation, auditing, and in general, any type of professional Human Resources service you may need for your team.
I am an HR professional and I want to join the Marketplace, what do I have to do?
To join the Marketplace it's necessary to obtain the Hrider-Expert certification. Contact us to learn more about our certification program.