Also called the ordinate axis, it is the vertical axis along which the ordinate is measured and from which the abscissa is measured.
In a talent matrix or 9Box, the y-axis generally describes the employee's potential, which ascends from low to high, although the meaning of the y-axis can change based on organizational priorities.
We also talk about it in our blog:
How to make a 9-Box Talent Matrix (Nine Box)
How to make a 9-Box Talent Matrix (Nine Box)

Building a Nine Box Talent Matrix has never been easier. With Hrider's N-Box functionality, you can create 9-box matrices as well as 4-, 16-, and 25-quadrant matrices that correlate different variables such as performance and potential. In this tutorial you will learn what they are and how to easily create them step by step.

What is a 9 Box Talent Matrix?
What is a 9 Box Talent Matrix?

It is known as Talent Map, Human Resources Matrix, Nine Box... the latest in new HR trends! In this article we will tell you what it is, where it comes from, its uses and applications, its benefits and how to interpret it to add value to Talent Management. From the relationship between performance and potential to the alignment of employees and corporate culture.