Johari window

The Johari Window is a tool used in group dynamics to give feedback, improve communication, relationships and performance of various members of the organization.
Psychologists Joseph Luft and Harry Ingham developed this model in 1955 to address the need to enhance individuals' self-awareness and personal development when in a group. The name "Johari" comes from the union of his first two names.
The Johari Window is a simple and useful tool to illustrate and enhance self-awareness and understanding among individuals within a group. It is particularly useful in team development. It allows the indicators or groups of indicators to be classified into 4 quadrants, according to the results obtained both by the same person (self-assessment) and by the other roles that have evaluated it:
  • Free area: Quadrant of what is known by oneself and by others: what the person communicates openly.
  • Blind area: Quadrant that includes what one does not know himself, but what others do know: it represents what others perceive even though the person themself is not aware.
  • Hidden area: Everything we know about ourselves but is unknown to others. It represents what the person himself does not expose to others.
  • Unknown area: Where everything we don't know about ourselves and others don't know is included. This is where there is potential, an area to discover, a capacity to learn…
We also talk about it in our blog:
Map of strengths and opportunities for professional improvement with the Johari window
Map of strengths and opportunities for professional improvement with the Johari window

The Johari window is a useful cognitive psychology tool for getting to know ourselves and our relationships with others. We will explain how, from Human Resources, you can use it to create a map of strengths and opportunities for improvement in your organization.