Talent matrix

Talent maps are a strategic Human Resources tools that are based on a correlation matrix of two variables that allow identifying the level of development that the organization's employees have, mainly in terms of their Performance and Potential. Depending on the box or quadrant in which each employee is located (the conjunction between the variables X and Y), the decision to be made will be different.
A talent map allows you to have information at a glance, just like a map would. It allows to situate each one of the people of the organization and know at what point each one is. This information is invaluable in order to make decisions that are fairer, more transparent and more agile.
Here is some information we can obtain from a Human Resources Matrix:
  • General situation of talent in the organization.
  • Visually identify the performance level of each person.
  • Identify people who can be promoted to positions of greater responsibility in the company.
  • Distinguish the ideal people to fill a position that requires a high development of two specific skills.
  • Find out who is the most suitable collaborator to lead a project x.
  • Provides information to develop succession plans.
  • Analyze if people are where they should be according to position and seniority.
  • Identify people with potential to occupy leadership positions in the future.
  • Quick comparison of the collaborators with the average results of the group.
  • Measuring the quality of selection processes.
  • Find out if specific training is necessary for a considerable group of people.
  • Identify if there are people who are not aligned with the corporate strategy.
As a logical consequence of the above, the Benefits provided by Talent Maps are more than evident:
  • It is ideal for reflecting a complex situation using a simple graph.
  • It allows you to make the right decisions with the right people.
  • It helps to focus objectively on the future of employees.
  • Prevents people from occupying the wrong positions or roles.
  • In addition to correlating potential and performance, it can be done with two competencies, two values, values with performance, behavior with results...
  • It allows consensus to be reached on concrete development actions.
  • Provides coherence to the creation of training plans.
  • It enables the planning of remuneration policies and definition of compensation and benefit plans.
  • It is a great tool to give strategic value to the Human Resources function, as it helps to display information visually in presentations and share talent management decisions in Management Committees.
We also talk about it in our blog:
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What is a 9 Box Talent Matrix?

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How to make a 9-Box Talent Matrix (Nine Box)

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