A freelance recruiter who tries to find certain medium-high profiles, which are generally found in competing companies, focus on the search for very specific talent, skills or experiences.
Due to the level of difficulty that it represents to find such specific profiles and that offer guarantees success, in the selection processes that headhunters carry out to find the right person, an active search is usually carried out instead of publishing an offer with the requirements to be met by the candidate. Professionals in this sector contact active workers who are already developing similar functions. Normally the success of a company is due to the professionals who lead its projects.
When the candidate is interested, they are interviewed, but not only with the aim of presenting the offer, but to find out if their aspirations and motivations fit with the post.
It is evaluated as thoroughly as possible
- Attitudes
- Motivations
- Personality traits
- Values
- Achievements
- Past Results
Candidates who meet the requirements will be selected to perform the functions that the company and the position require. Normally this final decision is made by the company with the advice of the headhunter.